Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Needle in a Haystack

Today I was searching for a needle in a haystack, at least that's how I feel...and I feel that way alot when I am looking for information or resources on the internet. It seems that every possible help would be at our fingertips in some far corner. I didn't find MY needle though. However, I did come across some interesting websites that might be helpful to other homeschool moms, especially those on a teeny budget, and/or those who prefer to be eclectic. I hope these will be helpful to you.
The Home School Mom Freebies--educational

The Teachers Corner

Enchanted Learning Printable worksheets, workbooks, printout for thematic studies.

Education World Printables and links all academic subjects and topics. My children love the Writing Bugs!

Multiplication facts Our children HATED memorizing their times tables. It took them ages to nail them down, and they did so only because they saw how necessary they are in real life. This keeps it interesting.The variety that is.

Multiplication Station online game

Cybersleuth Math Linkf to a variety of genres and resources.

What was I looking for???? We are studying rocks and minerals. I was trying to locate video or photos of a real archaeological dig. Know of anything like that??? Please let me know. I tried the smithsonian institute, discovery, nova and the like.... Oh well, this is the last week of gathering information and all that. The children have until the 8th to complete their lapbooks on Archaeology and Rocks.

Collecting rocks is another matter. We are going to keep that up until early spring. I'll try to remember to post photos of their collections then.

I didn't forget about the lapbook videos either. It crossed my mind to do it today, but both STARS are coughing with frogs or horses in their throats. LOL not sure which!

Charity was a great help today. She did all the housework and made dinner.

Bob popped into the Dr.'s office to weigh himself and he is down another pound. Total lost in the last 2 months is 10lbs. Overall loss (in 3 yrs.) is 38#. We both have regular appts. on the 8th. Ugh! I always over or under estimate how much weight I have gained or lost.

A little later I'll post the links to the sermons from last weeks conference. They weigh heavy on my heart, and I am grieved bcz as much as I want to do right, it is such a struggle. A few yrs ago I made the statement that I am not always able to live up to my own convictions, and to all that I believe is right, and Biblical. One of my friends couldn't understand how I could say that, and chided me for it, stating that it wasn't possible, that it was like a fountain that sends forth bitter and sweet water. Even as I began to confess my fault to all of you, the LORD reminded me of the Apostle Paul, who in Romans tells us he had the same trouble. The spirit is willing, the flesh is weak. Pray for us dear ones. The LORD has alot of work to do, and Praise the LORD that He's still working on me!!!! I always like the song>>>

He's Still Working on Me Such a simple song title but powerful meaning. Think about it!
WORDS & MUSIC: Joel Hemphill

He's still workin' on me,
To make me what I ought to be.
It took Him just a week to make the moon and the stars,
The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars.
How loving and patient He must be,
He's still workin' on me!

There really ought to be a sign upon my heart,
"Don't judge me yet, there's an unfinished part."
But I'll be perfect, just ac-cording to His plan,
Fashioned by the Master's loving hand.

In the mirror of His Word, reflections that I see
Make me wonder why He never gave up on me.
He loves me as I am, and helps me when I pray,
Remember He's the Potter, I'm the clay.

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