Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Helping Hubby

Earlier today I spent time helping my hubby on the computer. It is very hard when, as a wife, you are the one who is more informed, or has more knowledge about a topic. It puts you in a superior position that makes it really hard to remember you are to be in subjection. How do you help, when it boils down to teaching, when the one you are helping/teaching is you hubby?

As usual, I'm ashamed to say, I got testy, and frustrated. But all in all we got the job done without me totally losing it, or getting my feelings hurt. If you would pop over to our church website an check it out, that would be a blessing. Please sign the guest book too.

The LORD is giving us opportunity to minister in a less traditional way,at least according to modern thinking. In May we will be putting up 2 missionary families. One couple will be newlyweds on deputation to Philipines. The other family of 4 with a new baby on the way are headed to Cuba. Though our church is small, we are trying to be faithful.

Be not weary in in well doing, for ye shall reap if ye faint not-- we are claiming this verse, and trusting the LORD to enable us to keep going even when we can't go on any further.
So if you are having a hard day, remember, it is just temporal and one day all this will pass. Cling to Rom 8:28.

Pray for me as I hone in this blog and get my act together. I may close some of my other ones to focus more fully on the few good ones, that are easy to use and maintain. And I really like that there aren't any ads on these.

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